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Showing posts from March, 2014

Where I Belong (Revival Time)

It wasn't exactly what I expected to hear as I stepped up into the sound booth Sunday night as Alvin, my church's lead pastor, sat in front of the computer, pulling up the verses he would be preaching from so I could throw them up on the screen as he did. He wasn't even supposed to be preaching. This was Revival Week (if I had been more with it, I would have been posting pictures all week with hashtags like #nlbcphx and #revival2014), and Rich, our former pastor, had come barreling out of the gates that morning with an incredible message straight out of one of my favorite chapters in the bible. Ecclesiates 3, in case you were wondering. Everyone was excited for what was to come. But those five little words made everything clear for me. Rose passed away this evening. Rose - Rich's wife. Phenomenal, amazing woman who loved the Lord, and could pull out a good zinger when she felt like it. As I was preparing to leave for The World Race , her health was declining.