Like many of you who've been on social media for awhile (over ten years for me), I've developed a love/hate relationship with the forum so many are now embracing. Attribution: By Wilgengebroed on Flickr [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons I love what social media is supposed to do - connect me more easily to friends and family who are not nearby. Peek into their lives and let them peek into mine. I hate how so many elements of it have become a distraction from that purpose. And I hate how it aids and abets that horrible comparison game we can't seem to ever stop playing, because we inevitably find ourselves coming up short. What I mean is - I know that if I let myself get too caught up with everything my friends and family are doing (and posting on social media), I'd feel like a failure. I'm not married. I have no kids. I'm not serving as a missionary overseas. The work that keeps a roof over my head is...