Double digits - super cool, yeah? Yeah, I thought the same thing. Reached (Matched #3) Ally Condie, 2012, Speak Find it here: Link Summary: Reached (Matched #3) is the third and final book in the Matched series, a series of young adult dystopian novels written by Ally Condie. It has the three central characters to the series - Cassia, Ky, and Xander - in completely separate parts of the world, but each working in some way for the Rising. The Rising's goal is rebellion and an overthrow of the Society through biological warfare (in this case, a virus that only they can cure). While all seems to go well initially, things get complicated when the virus mutates. Suddenly the cure The Rising thought they had is no longer effective, and finding a new one becomes a race against time that both The Rising and one member of the trio may not have. Why I Read It: I was on a young adult dystopian fiction reading kick (ala The Hunger Games ...