The attitude you start your day with is the attitude that will guide your actions (and reactions) for the rest of your day. Sounds like a really cool quote from someone famous who would know a thing or two about such things, doesn't it? Well, if someone said it, I haven't read it yet. I have, however, recently become to believe it to be true. Why? Well, there is a silly little thing I posted on Twitter on Friday... It wasn't the best start to a day. While I posted it with the tongue-in-cheek #not happening, it happened anyway. Frustration settled in and all the little things I would normally be able to let go of with a smile kept piling on. By the time my sister got in from training, I was ready to snap. And when I say snap, what I mean is burst into tears, because that is what I do when I get frustrated. I cry like a baby. Drives my family crazy. But that's not the point. The point is that I let the word frustration and my initial feelings of ...