Almost two weeks late to the party, I am. Ooops. Time flies when you go on safari, and then go home, and then a lot of home things start happening. I started this blog the evening after the events that took place, SOOO it's going to sound like it happened today. #sorrynotsorry I was in a motorbike accident today. And if you are reading this, then I think your deductive reasoning skills are developed well enough to figure out that I was not seriously hurt. I'll skip the photos of my injuries. Just know I am bruised, scraped, and sore, but alive and grateful my injuries are minor. Bwana asifiwe (Praise the Lord). Today was a busy day for us. Pastor Rich, Mary Jo, and Patty stayed at Kilimani while Doris and I went out to the mission church that Pastor Paul leads. I was to preach there, and Doris went with me because so that I would not be going alone (safety concerns and all that good stuff). We would join them back at Kilimani and have a short celebration of what we had ...