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Showing posts from November, 2013

Re: Boring (A Request)

(A couple of days ago, a link to this blog post came up in my Facebook feed. I read it, fought back a few tears, then posted it to my father's wall because I knew he would want to read it. When I popped in at my parents' house later that day, we had a long conversation about it that ended with him asking me to write something about it. Since he doesn't often ask me to write something, and because I was already starting to do so in my head, I agreed. It's long, but you're welcome in advance.) I want to say that what I'm about to write about is one of those moments I remember like it was yesterday, but it's not. It was a rare moment, but not because of how well I remember it. It's more like the moment was rare because I work in a largely testosterone-driven office, and an early morning conversation with the one other woman who works with me in the editorial department without the guys around is a truly rare moment and a truly precious gift. In what mi

I Got A Feelin' (NaNoWriMo 2013 Day 8)

Two words: Getting. Better. Why? Because I hit today's goal. Because (outside of household chores), I have tomorrow to devote to catching up from earlier this week. And because I've unexpectedly found myself with Veteran's Day off of work, I have Monday to keep up and (possibly) move ahead. I've got a feeling I'm going to do better than just barely squeak by for the wing this year. And I wish I had some fun and inventive extra for this post, but it's after eleven at night for me, and I'm exhausted. I'll aim for more creativity in tomorrow's update.

You Lead, I'll Follow (NaNoWriMo 2013 Days 3-7)

Yes, this is what the end of the first week of NaNoWriMo looks like for me. I know what it looks like. I'm on track to hit 50k (barely, but I'll take it because earlier tonight, the NaNoWriMo website was predicting I wouldn't hit 50k until the second week of December). I made a lot of progress the first two days, skipped days three and four, only got in about 800 words day five, and took day six as one of my scheduled days away from working on this beast. Am I behind on my personal goals? Yup. But I'm still in the game. Fortunately, the act of showing up and trying is enough to keep me there. I'm more than a little bit thankful for that. Even if that weren't, though, there is that little matter of knowing I've fallen far further behind by this time in the past and still been able to come up with a win in the end. I have two Winners Certificates to prove it (which I am going to frame and hang up on my writing wall.... someday). Week two starts to

Makes Me Feel Better (NaNoWriMo Day 2)

Daily Totals/Averages All of the above totals look fabulous and amazing (to me, anyway), but the next time I get a chance to post my totals, it's not going to look this pretty. That is because I am taking the next 2 days off - one to give my poor little brain some time to plot out the next little bit, and the other for some desperately needed hang-out time with my sister. This isn't to say a blog won't appear on this site tomorrow or Monday, but if it does... it certainly won't be related to NaNoWriMo. And instead of a character bio to go along with today's totals, I thought I would share something equally fun. Darren, my male MC for this year's novel, has a deep and abiding love for 90s Christian Music. Here's a few of the albums from that era on his most frequently played list. Avalon, A Maze of Grace Newsboys, Not Ashamed Audio Adrenaline, Don't Censor Me Rich Mullins, A Liturgy, A Legacy, and a Ragamuffin Band That's it for now

Call Me Crazy (NaNoWriMo 2013 - Day 1)

I suppose there are a few of you who could call me crazy for this, but I'm attempting NaNoWriMo for a fourth time. Since I've won more than I've lost, I figure it's not the worst thing in the world I could tackle. Also, I've needed a kick in the pants lately to write outside of the job that pays the bills, and NaNo is always a safe bet for that. I am fully aware that I am announcing my participation in NaNoWriMo 2013 on the first day of the month. What you are not fully aware of is that I started planning for this in the middle of September, and knew at the beginning of last month that this was absolutely something I was going to do. Yes, you read the above correctly. Mostly, my reason for writing a post about this in particular is to get myself back in the habit of blogging again. It's one of a million things that have fallen to the wayside as events in my personal life tend to take precedence over sitting down and writing a post for general consumption,