Happy Thursday, everyone. September is almost here! August's book review for general consumption, is here, and I am happy to say that it is Imprudence , by Gail Carriger. Since it is the second novel in The Custard Protocol series, a SPOILER WARNING is now in effect for the entirety of the Parasol Protectorate Universe. If you haven't read the rest of it, you might want to stay clear of this review until you've caught up with all of the novel series. If you are still working your way through the Finishing School series, though, maybe my reviews of Waistcoats & Weaponry (book three) and Manners & Mutiny (book four) from last year will help? Wow, that was a mouthful. On to the review, then. Imprudence (The Custard Protocol #2) Gail Carriger, 2017, Orbit Books Summary: Prudence (Rue) and the crew of the Spotted Custard are riding high after their adventures in India, but their return to London quickly brings them back down. Opinion: My ...