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Showing posts from April, 2018

The Unwinding Cable Car

I started a new crochet project a while back - a new project made up of components of an old one. Granny square afghan, but not the one I'm writing about. You see, a few years ago I crocheted an afghan with gigantic-sized granny squares for my bed. Shortly after I finished it, I got a new bed - a bigger bed than the old one and the afghan I had just finished was never going to fit it. So I packed it away figuring it would be useful at some point. I completely forgot about its existence until I was changing the sheets on my bed last week and looking for a clean afghan to use. I pulled the old afghan out of the linen cupboard and tried to spread it out on the bed. Of course, it didn't fit. It wasn't made for the bed I sleep in now. I left the afghan on the bed for awhile, though, because there was something bothering me about it that was not its size. The pattern. The answer came to me eventually, after thirty minutes of doing other things while I let my subconsc