Before I get into this review, I thought it prudent to let you know about a couple of things moving forward with any book review I post on this site. First, when I post a review, expect to see the following included at the beginning of the post moving forward: A disclaimer notice if I received a free copy from the publisher in order to write a review. A spoiler warning if the book is part of a series, especially if the book has only recently been released. Second is that I will try to post book reviews once a month now, depending on what else is going on with my editorial schedule moving forward. Some months may see two reviews, others may see none. Now, on to the important stuff related to the actual review… Disclaimer Notice : I received a free copy of The Wounded Shadow from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for a fair and honest review. I have no other affiliation with them. Spoiler Warning is in effect : This novel is the third part of a serie...