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Showing posts from December, 2014


Candlelight Service 2014 New Life Baptist Church Phoenix, AZ I don’t know what the holiday season tends to look like for the rest of you, but my family’s fills up quickly. Between the middle of November and the middle of January, my family celebrates seven birthdays (two brothers, one sister, one brother-in-law, one niece, and two nephews). In that same time period come my church’s annual Christmas dinner and auction fundraiser for overseas missions, the annual children’s Christmas party, the children’s Christmas play, work Christmas parties, Christmas Eve with my cousin, breakfast Christmas morning with my oldest sister, and a list of other things I am sure I forgot. Not trying to compare, just explain. It never fails that December 23rd is the day my brain is fried and wants to check out until the end of the season. That is why I am so thankful that my church’s traditional Candlelight service has been falling on that night for a few years now. The service itself is no fri...

Holding On

There are some days when I L-O-V-E technology. Yes, this afternoon is one of those times. I get to kill a few minutes on the way home from work sitting in a coffee shop downtown, watching kids play tag just outside the window as the water feature behind them plays hide and seek with whomever chooses to walk past it. And writing this first blog to have been posted in a few months. On my phone. Yeah. I'm still looking for words to describe the pace of the last three months. I can give you the bullet points, sure. That's easy. I went to Kenya. I came back from Kenya. My father nearly died of a heart attack. My newest nephew was born. My brother-in-law rolled my sister's car avoiding a deer. And my aunt nearly died from pneumonia. It's a lot. A LOT a lot. Understandably, I've felt an entire roller coaster ride's worth of emotions. Trying to write more than the bullet points has been tricky because nothing I've tried to write recently has come t...