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Day Three

The outline for today's post comes from Doris, another member of our team, about our day yesterday, and I've put it together in blog form. More than a couple of paragraphs, but should be worth the read. I thought some of the differences in life here were worth sharing, and I figured out I needed to use the notes app on my phone to write posts, so longer posts may be the rule anyway from this point forward.

Yesterday was our shopping day.  We started the day with prayer. Breakfast was chapati, muffins, coffee or tea, and a bread that is a lot like sopapillas. We ate at 9am, and after breakfast we sat and talked with Pastor Julius and Pastor Amon until it was time to go into town.

As we talked, Rich asked about what a "wadi" prayer was. He thought he'd heard it said as we stopped to pray in the parking lot. As it turns out, what was said was "word of prayer", and Rich heard it wrong.

At 11, we went into town to exchange money and shop. Along the way, we stopped by Pastor Albert's church in Concordia Town. Pastor Albert is Pastor Julius's senior pastor, and is the pastor of the church Pastor Julius attended when Rich first came in 2001. We spoke with him, prayed with him, and then went the rest of the way into town.

In town, we exchanged money first. There were security guards at the doors with wands, and we were wanded as we went inside. There were also security guards checking each car before letting them in at the shopping center we went to. When we went to the restroom, we had to pay to use it.

We shopped until about 3:45, then ate lunch at Rest Kenlee's Cafe. Most of us had chicken and chips, but Rich had eggs and sausage and Pastor Julius had tilapia (which is easily found here). The price for food was 2,240 shillings plus tip (or about $22.40 USD).

On the way home, our tire got low, and we had to stop and change it. People walking by stopped and looked at us. While we were waiting, we saw two monkeys run across the road. It took Pastor Julius, Pastor Amon, and a young man working at the store named Bramwell about 15 minutes to change the tire. Bramwell wouldn't take any money for the help, as he was a Christian and wanted to bless his brothers and sisters with the help. We also met a member of the church named Leonard while we waited.

When we got back from town, we had dinner at around 8:30pm. The food was beef, rice, potatoes, watermelon and mango, and we drank tea. We prayed before and after the meal, and to end the day.


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