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Motivation for the Days When You Need A Kick in the Pants (Tuesday Blog)

Hello, and welcome to another Tuesday blog.

So, at the end of last week, I had what I thought was this brilliant idea for an extra blog post this month (since I do have posts scheduled for every Thursday in April). Inspirational/motivational quotes are always crowd-pleasers, right?

That's what my Instagram stats say every time I post them. I always get a good response. Slapping quotes into a post with - perhaps - a comment or two seemed like the way to go.

Perhaps you'll understand the irony of my situation at this moment. I'm finding plenty of motivation to type out a long-winded explanation of what is going on. I'm struggling to motivate myself to do what I had planned with this post.

If you don't feel motivated to do what you originally planned, then come up with another plan.

Yeah, I could hear that sentiment coming from the chair my rear end is currently planted in - which may be a few feet or a few thousand miles away. There's a reason why I feel the need to carry on, though. It's a reason that isn't just "it would be easier to stick with the original" or "it's too late now to come up with anything else".

The reason is that motivation, in the way we think about it, is a feeling.

Just like inspiration. And happiness. And sadness. And fear. And anger. And hope.

I don't mind riding a wave of motivation or inspiration or happiness or hopefulness when it comes in, but I think we all need to keep in mind that feelings do not last forever. Waves come and go and so do emotions. Sometimes the waves are safer to ride than others, but always trusting them is dangerous.

So is waiting on them.

Motivation, I'm learning, is a tricky bastard of a feeling. When it's here, it's a rush - and, generally speaking, a good one. But one of the things motivation is terrible at doing is being reliable. I can't count on it to show up from even one day to the next. I suspect it does the same thing to everyone else, because why else do we surround ourselves with all the pretty quotes and planners/bullet journals/etc?

That's why the end of this post is going to be just a few quotes I've posted on my Instagram and Twitter that have resonated with me since the beginning of the year. I'm not letting a momentary lack of motivation determine my blog schedule for this week.

And you shouldn't let it deter you from your goals, either.

Let me know if you think I'm on the right track or way out of line in the comments below (but kindly and respectfully, of course).


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