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House Fire Saga Update #14 & #15- July 29, 2019 & August 3, 2019

Update May 2020 - I'm currently going back through my Facebook posts and deciding what I want to leave up for public consumption and what I want to leave private (mostly photos of family that I don't want to leave accessible forever). I thought posting the text of those posts, along with some of the photos I'm okay with leaving public, here on the blog and backdating the posts to the days they went up would be a good alternative.

If you've landed here in the midst of a difficult season (that is difficult for no fault of your own), I hope this helps. Leave a comment or send me a message (catpollockwrites @ gmail .com - remove the spaces) if you want someone to talk to, or even just someone to listen.


Monday, July 29, 2019 - 7:29PM

House fire saga update #14 (URGENT)

Just found out this evening that my sister's temporary living situation is coming to an end, and they need to go somewhere ASAP. If you have a line on options, please, please, please post them here for her!!!!


Saturday, August 3, 2019 - 12:43PM

House fire saga update #15:

Wow, it's been a wild week - physically and emotionally. My sister and her crew did find a (new) temporary housing situation, although the kiddos stayed for a few days with Mom and Dad while they figured it out. Good leads on a permanent housing situation for them are coming in, and we're hoping by the end of the month they'll be in their new home as well (wherever it is). Keep praying that the right one either comes up and/or makes itself known.

Also, be aware that my sister and her family are going to need a lot of things. If you've got furniture or other household items you're thinking of getting rid of but can hold onto them for a little bit longer, please direct message me (and leave a comment here if we're not friends here on Facebook) or one of the contacts listed below so we can start tracking where everything is when they are ready to have it.

Having the kids around did slow down some of the progress in working on getting the house in order, but we're glad there was somewhere for them to stay while their parents figured some things out. Mom is looking forward to seeing things get done on the main areas of the house again, though. She's anxious to get the new normal routines established - especially for James.

Besides the basic physical needs, one of the biggest things you can be praying for is physical and mental well being. Pray that we have the reserves we need when we need them and that we would listen to our bodies when they tell us it's time to slow down. I can't speak for exactly where anyone else is, but I know I've been pushing some things harder than I should have and I've had a couple of days recently where my body has let me know it.

To the lists, then -

For Mom & Dad:
- dish cloths
- Kleenex
- trash cans
- laundry hampers/baskets
- plungers (2)

For my sister (to the best of my knowledge - this week has been a bit more focused on housing):
- office attire (specifically slacks/skirts) women's size 20-24
- boys size 7 school uniform tops (navy blue/white/light blue) and bottoms (navy blue or khaki)
- kids' clothing hangers

If you don't have anything but would still like to contribute in some way, you can send a gift card (Walmart and Target are preferred) to our church home:

New Life Baptist Church
8701 W. Encanto Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85037

Please specify whether the gift card is intended for my parents (Tom & Terri Pollock) or for Amanda and her husband (Chris & Amanda Brill).

Also, I'm still collecting recipes for the Pollock Fire Recovery Cookbook. If you have a favorite, post it here or send me a message with it. Those of you who have already contributed, thank you!

Next to the last thing - Mom and Dad's wedding anniversary is coming up fast, and I am (on top of everything else) putting together a potluck-style anniversary party on August 10th at noon at New Life Baptist Church. We understand it is super late notice, but if you are able to attend, please say "I'm coming" in the comments below so I can get a somewhat accurate count and plan accordingly. Also, if you are family, please tag other family members in the comments so they can let me know as well. Thanks!

Lastly, the list of contacts:
- Bonnie Carroll at Laveen Baptist Church
- Sarah Lineberger at New Life Baptist Church
- Christina Lobosco at St. Peter's Lutheran Church (in Mesa)
- Patty Brooks Suttill at Arcadia Gospel Fellowship
- Michelle Krick at River of Life Church


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